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Specialist Commercial Water Suppliers

Commercial Water Suppliers

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We are specialist Commercial Water Suppliers who have provided water at a great rate for hundreds of businesses throughout the UK.

With experts based throughout the UK we can offer competitive prices and in October 2024 are able to get services to you very quickly.

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Why Choose Us?

Waste and waste water services are a core part of any business premises, especially ones that rely heavily on a constant flow of water in October 2024. However, sometimes switching to a new business water supplier is the best way to save money and get better results in both industrial or commercial settings.

Our water services are aimed at all kinds of businesses, providing key commercial, industrial, and retail services when it comes to business water systems. Whether it is an improved water supply or larger-scale sewerage services, we can help give clients exactly what their business needs.


We offer a number of great Commercial Water services and are more than happy in assisting you.

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How much is the average water bill UK?

Our average household bill for water and sewerage in 2022/23 will be around £389 per year or just £1.06 per day.

What Does Switching Water Supplier Offer?

A single water supplier can do a lot for your company, but that does not mean that they are the best option. Unless something significantly bad happens – like massively inflated water bills – many people will not even think to switch supplier, even if it means paying more than they have to.

Water is an important and necessary thing across all business premises, but that does not mean that bad water companies should get a ‘free pass’ to continue with high prices and poor customer service. If your business relies on water, then you want water suppliers that can keep up with the demand.

Almost all businesses in the UK can switch to a new water supplier as they please, with barely any work required. However, the hard part is knowing when to switch and why you should switch from your current business water supplier.

Lower Prices

A reliable business water supplier should help keep the costs low, allowing you to save money on the necessary water expenses that your business has. This is generally the easiest way to help cut down on costs when you do not have the option of reducing water consumption at all.

A lot of switches can bring you as much as a 12% drop in water costs, which is a significant improvement if you are trying to save money in the long term. On top of that, many water supplier options allow you to ‘fix’ your prices for three years, keeping them low even if they would normally increase.

Supplier-Specific Deals

The tariffs you have with a particular water supply provider might be completely different from another supplier. This means that you have plenty of ways to compare different water services and contracts, finding one that suits your business the best.

Even a small change to the terms of your contract can save you a huge amount of money.

It Is Simple

One of the most appealing reasons to change your water supplier is the fact that it is actually a very simple process – It will not disrupt your supply at all.

This means that you can easily swap over to a new water supply, getting a continuous flow that will not cause a dip in your usual supply.

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A lot of business owners might assume that swapping water services would take a lot of paperwork, but not much actually changes. The water infrastructure and pipes themselves remain the same. You just start using a different supplier within a matter of minutes.

Consolidated Billing

Selecting the same water suppliers for multiple premises allows you to pack all of your business water suppliers into one water bill, making it much easier to pay the business water bills consistently. This consolidated billing makes water management much easier.

Why Switch Water Services?

Aside from water consumption and billing data/costs, what other reasons are there to switch services?


The scale of your business impacts the scale of your business water consumption, but the water bill will not always match.

If your business is large, then you need large-scale water services. Smaller businesses do not. Do not over-estimate unless you plan to expand very, very soon.

A larger-scale business might also need more repairs and maintenance, something to consider before you switch over. If a pipe is damaged, it will naturally reduce your overall efficiency and increase water usage.


When you use water, efficient water usage is always going to save money. Water suppliers that are mismatched to your business’ scale can bloat your water bill.

Companies can perform an audit to see how your water usage stacks up against the averages, but you should always aim to be as efficient as possible, even if it only saves you a small amount per year.

The more efficient you are, the less water you use, means that you pay less. However, you should not cut down water usage that your business relies on to operate properly.


The non-domestic water market operates at a lot of scales. A retail supplier that expands to a second location may struggle with their current supplier, so they will find a supplier that services both premises desirable.

A larger building needs more water, and multiple buildings need multiple water and waste water options. Keep this in mind if your business is expanding.

Trade Effluent

Water and waste water services are very different. Trade effluent and other waste can require a major sewerage service, but one local supplier may only act as a water wholesaler with no additional services.

Some waste can involve extra water and sewerage charges – usually, things like corrosive or dangerous substances that can’t be treated through usual water management means.

Be sure to remove these chemicals from water and waste water where possible, or you may have to pay extra (and could even get a visit from the local authorities if it continues).

Business Water Usage

Your business premises will always use water, but the business water bills are impacted by more than just how much you use.

Before you switch suppliers, be sure that you understand how to save water and which things might be causing increased prices or consumption.

The more water you use, the more you pay, but that is not a problem in itself. The problem comes when you are paying too much.

Water Efficiency

It is possible for water retailers to have a low water efficiency: for example, their treatment plants or cleaning methods may be sub-par. This can pass the cost from the water retailer to their customer – you.

Efficiency issues can come from a lot of sources and are not always obvious at first. Our water services can help you figure out why you might be consuming more water than expected, even before you officially make the switch.

Meter Reading

Meter reading services are important. When you switch water suppliers, they may want to install their own meter: reading the meter is the same process, but the new supplier may ask you to pay for the process if you accept.

Remember that your meter needs to be accessible, so always leave it exposed and easy to reach. If it is blocked by something, then it may not actually be possible to see how much water you have used, and you will have to clear a space.

This is not true with remote meters – those are designed to broadcast the water usage remotely but are not always common in certain areas of the country.

Water and Sewerage

Some businesses use water and sewerage services in different amounts. If you only need minimal sewerage services but a big water supply, find water companies that match your requirements.

Generally, all businesses will need some sewerage to get rid of waste water. There are very rare exceptions, but you should never cut out business water sewerage entirely.

Business Premises Damage

Leaks and other forms of damage can make it easy for your premises to lose water without any obvious signs of why it is happening. If your business water consumption spikes, something may be wrong.

It is a good idea to know if your pipes or water systems have any damage before a switch. If you do not deal with them, new water services will still be incredibly expensive since the leaks persist.


Water bills and other costs are always a concern. Keeping the water bill down is not just a matter of water usage but involves a variety of factors.

Remember that no two companies will be the same and that their contracts can be very different. A water supply that costs more may come with useful additions or services that a new, cheaper company does not offer.

The more water you use, the higher the water meter reading will be. However, switching water suppliers to another company that charges less for their water supply can help you save money in the long term and makes water bills easier to pay.

Even a 5% drop in your water supply costs can be significant, especially if you have multiple properties under a different business address that all require their own supply.

Water Audit

A water audit is a great way to find potential improvements to water efficiency. However, some companies that supply water may want to be paid for an audit, while others will keep it free.

A water audit might come with recommendations to make certain repairs, change your water meter, or do something else to make your water supply more efficient. These are all useful – do not think that a water audit is an inherently bad thing just because it might cost money.

Sewerage Limits

Some water and sewerage services have limits. A company may provide wastewater services but not cover food waste or trade effluent. If you break these limits, the contract may state that you have to pay extra repair and water bills, so know the terms ahead of time.

Water and wastewater services are very different things, so some companies will specialise in one or the other. However, other companies may try to balance both, meaning that they can service all corners of the business water market.

Choose a company that you know you can work with and that matches your needs. If you are not completely sure of the limits and restrictions involved, you can always just ask and see what the company itself says.

In our case, we can clearly communicate any related limits, so do not hesitate to talk to us about these concerns. The more you know, the happier you will be with the changes and improvements.

Water and Sewerage Maintenance

Eventually, pipes will break down. The business water bill combined with the maintenance bill can be a lot, so aim for better customer service and competitive prices if you have a system that is prone to breaking under heavy loads.

Maintenance is not always the responsibility of the supplier, so be sure to check their terms beforehand.

If something is on your property, it may be your job to maintain it – the exceptions usually being underground pipes or things that you physically cannot reach without equipment.

Damage caused to your water or sewerage pipes by your staff (such as flushing corrosive chemicals down a toilet or putting trade effluent down the sink instead of a proper disposal pipe) can usually end up being your fault or the fault of one of your employees.

Remember: not all maintenance is expensive. Some of it is simply a token refresh of a pipe or valve.

New Installations

A water company may be more than a water provider – a lot of them can install new water pipes or a water meter.

Know the cost of this before you switch water supplier, or you may be forced to pay a lot of money to get a simple water meter replaced.

This is like any other installation: you will want to know what you are paying before you pay it.

You also want to be sure that you are not going to have compatibility problems between new and old devices or pipes, especially in older buildings.


Some business water systems are damaged or have areas that need to be repaired, especially if the premises was only recently purchased and has been left unused for years. This can cost a little more, but you need to get your water working properly to operate.

Business water system repairs are not exactly the job of the water suppliers, but it is another cost to consider before you make a switch.

At Commercial Water Suppliers, we can assist you on the best options. Make sure you contact us today for a number of great Commercial Water services.

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What We Can Offer

We have worked with countless UK businesses looking to swap their water supply, and we understand exactly what they are looking for.

Good business water suppliers can be hard to find, but we aim to fix that problem with excellent customer service and easy switching.


Switching your business water options is often quite straightforward, but it can still be confusing if you have never had to consider it before. Our staff can support your switch and help clarify anything that you do not understand.

This should make it much easier to approach the switch without feeling like you are stuck between two choices you do not understand.

If something is not clear, we can make it a lot clearer, helping you know what you are doing.

Our support also extends to multi-premises businesses. If you need to make a switch and want other premises to do it as well, we can take care to ensure that all of the right changes are made and that everything is coordinated properly.

Customer Service

If there is anything that our staff can do to help you or your staff, either before or after the switch, let us know, and we will do what we can. The important part of switching your water and wastewater company is being sure that you are getting the services you deserve.

This means that any concerns about particular services, specific parts of the switch or worries about your water system can come straight to us.

We can reassure you if anything seems wrong and double-check any relevant information that might be important to the change-over.

Our customer service is meant to help, not hinder. If there is anything that we can do, you just need to let us know, and we will look into any relevant information we can offer.


While it might seem like you need to get water from a local company, we can help manage longer-distance water supply changes or other information.

For example, whether you are with Thames Water, Bristol Water, Scottish Water or a company in Stoke-on-Trent, we can help you sort out the swap, as well as the electronic billing involved.

This is not always that important, but it can matter a lot if you are new to this kind of change-over. A lot of people are misinformed about how close their business water companies have to be.

Understanding the Water Services

Water and wastewater services can be confusing since the UK’s water market has such a strange history. A lot of people were assigned a supplier as soon as switching and independent water companies became an option, usually based on who was closest.

When the market itself became open, UK customers were sent to companies like Thames Water, Scottish Water and Bristol Water – including joint venture companies and smaller businesses.

Since companies like Scottish Water and Bristol Water are so different, this meant that the switching became more common, but there are many companies that do not realise it is an option.

How to Switch Water and Wastewater Services

If you are not sure how to switch, then do not worry. Our expert staff offer excellent customer service and can fully advise you on how to switch when you should switch and what kind of concerns might be important to consider before you commit to the change.

Here are some things that you should know before you start the change. If you want to know more, get in contact with us directly and let us know what you are stuck with – our skilled employees are always ready to help.

Is the new company legitimate?

Always go for a company that you know is legitimate and operating legally. If you just meet a random person who can offer a better deal but has no registered office or company behind him, do not trust him.

Water switch scams are not common, but they can still happen, especially if you have been looking for unreasonably low prices.

If something seems too good to be true, it is worth investigating to find a registered office or company website – anything to prove that you are talking to a real company.

Companies like United Utilities still exist to this day, despite United Utilities creating other joint ventures that also target their water supply.

Some companies are parts of other companies, and some go by multiple names depending on their location or the departments involved.

What Next?

If you are interested in switching, either to get a united utilities bill across multiple premises or just to lower the cost of your normal water supply, then get in touch with our expert staff. We can help you put together the perfect switching schedule and plan.

Our contact details are on our site, along with plenty of information regarding how we can provide our services. Once you are ready to switch, we can start taking an in-depth look at what you need and how we can offer it.

Remember that switching your water supply is not always as easy as you might think. The larger your business, the more planning you will have to do – but the switch itself can be over in mere minutes.


Whenever you are ready to switch – or if you have already decided that you want to make the swap – then let us know. Our staff are fully prepared to help another client get the water prices that they deserve.

As soon as you know what you need, go ahead and talk to us about it. It does not take much to begin the switch, and we can easily take the hard parts out of your hands, letting you get back to your important work with the business itself.


Will switching supplier help?

Whether or not you get immediate benefits from switching depends on what you are looking for. The cost of your water may not drop by that much, and you might still have to pay in the same way, but there are other benefits available.

Each company is different. In our case, we can help you make a switch effectively, receiving customer service assistance that can help your company adapt to any changes there might be between companies.

What information do I need to provide?

Switching to another company in the business water sector means that you will need to offer the right kind of details to them: the address of your premises, contact phone number and possibly an account to send invoices to.

Each company may ask for different things, but having the basics prepared can make the process a lot faster.

It also allows you to easily get your new water paperwork or documents sorted out before you need to pay any money, making it easy to integrate with the new provider.

How much water do I use?

Knowing how much water your business actually needs is an important part of switching your supplier.

While it can be tempting to go for a much cheaper option, that cheaper option may be cheaper because they do not serve businesses at your scale: you are seeing the price adjusted for the kind of company that they target.

In theory, you can use any business as a supplier, but using a larger-scale commercial or industrial supplier for a single small business might not be ideal. This can complicate things more than necessary and make it a much more stressful process.

Can I switch right now?

While switching is very quick and often takes less than ten minutes overall, it still means that you have to make a few changes, such as remembering that you need to pay the bills to a different address.

A single property can quite easily switch and keep paying the bills normally since the company only has one set of water bills to pay. This means that you can easily swap over on fairly short notice and keep your water supply coming.

On the other hand, a larger business with multiple premises may have to communicate across each one, agree on a time, share information, and basically coordinate the switch-over.

This can be complex to manage in the middle of a busy workday and might have to be handled before or after work.

Is it a convenient time to switch?

There are good times to switch and bad times to switch. Sometimes it is because of the water market, but in other cases, it is purely down to your own timing.

For example, you might not want to switch water provider a few days before you pay your bills. Otherwise, you will still have to pay the old provider’s bills while also managing your new company.

It is also not a good idea to avoid switching water company just before a major event or job that requires a lot of water, just in case. If something does go wrong, you might be stuck without a water provider for an hour or two.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great Commercial Water services.

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